Beat of My Own Drum (New Schedule!)

A while ago it seemed prudent to me to give this blog a slightly lower priority for a while. Still does, really, but there’s other considerations besides what is prudent, such as what the hell and why not. At any rate, I’m reprioritizing once more and the blog is moving up this time. Also, I feel like shaking things up a bit anyway.

So. New schedule. This blog will update every second day from now on, on every even day.

That is, there’ll be a post on the 8th, then on the tenth, then on the twelfth, and so on, regardless of what day of the week.

Not quite sure how exactly I’ll manage do that, though. I guess I’ll figure it out unless I won’t. Probably things are going to be a bit more casual around here.

Meanwhile, I’ve still got a few HSK1 flashcards in the pipeline, which I’ll post starting tomorrow, but let’s have something different right now. How about this old thing I’ve got lying around?



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